6 Common HVAC Problems in the Winter

Your HVAC system appreciates that Aiken is not exactly the Arctic during the winter. In January, it averages a high of 55 degrees (F) and a low of 36 (F), with just three inches of snow. Nonetheless, with temperatures approaching freezing every night for three months, it is essential to prepare your system for common winter HVAC problems.
Before addressing the six most common winter problems, here is a near-perfect solution: have your HVAC system serviced by a professional HVAC technician before winter’s onset. An experienced HVAC expert can intercept most problems before they occur.

1. Frozen Pipes and Coils
Poorly insulated pipes and coils can freeze and prevent airflow, something an HVAC professional can alert you to before the coldest days arrive. Insulation is a low priority in construction throughout South Carolina because of our moderate winter temperatures, so this is likely an issue where you live.
Other issues like clogged filters, vents, and refrigerant leaks can also cause frozen pipes.
2. Clogged Air Filters
During the winter, when we are inside more, most HVAC systems work harder and can become more quickly obstructed with dirt, dust, and debris. Check your filter more often, like monthly, and change it when it gets dirty. Your HVAC system will thank you.
3. Unusually High Energy Bills
This is a red flag that your system is working extra hard and needs a little TLC. There are myriad reasons for this, the most obvious being colder-than-average temperatures. Leaks around windows and doors and from your vents are the next most obvious, so check around the house to ensure you’re not allowing any precious heat to escape to the outdoors.
After that, almost anything can cause higher heating bills—a malfunctioning thermostat, gas loss from the system, or even an old, outdated unit. If the easy fixes don’t solve the problem, call your HVAC professional.
4. Cold Air Blowing
Uh-oh. Your heating element has liked died. A replacement heating element can solve this problem. Have your HVAC professional order one as soon as possible.
5. Uneven Heating
The most likely cause of this is an inadequate system. One solution is to install a new, more size-appropriate system. The other, less expensive resolution could come from adding a zone control system that directs heat to the most used rooms. This will also increase the efficiency of your HVAC system and reduce your heating bill.
6. A Malfunctioning Thermostat
Thermostat problems fall into two categories: easy to repair and not so easy. Try changing the batteries on the thermostat, blowing air through it with a hair dryer, and checking the wires for loose connections. If the problem isn’t batteries, dirt, or loose wires, you might just need a new thermostat. Think of it as your HVAC system nudging you into purchasing a programmable thermostat that better regulates temperatures and reduces utility bills.
Other parts of an HVAC system can go on the fritz, like the heat pump, pilot light, and fuel tank. The best defense is a good offense before the season gets going – have it serviced. The peace of mind alone will be worth the small expense, but the incident-free winter will be the big payoff. Holley Heating and Air has built its reputation for top-quality work for over 100 years and stands ready to winterize your HVAC system.
At Holley Heating & Air Conditioning, your comfort is our #1 concern. Air conditioning system maintenance is the key to keeping your system up and running efficiently and cost-effectively. You can trust our experienced team to keep your system running smoothly in all seasons. Call us to schedule an appointment today.